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Igbce And Chemical Employers Reach Agreement On Relief Package


IGBCE and Chemical Employers Reach Agreement on Relief Package

Significant Pay Increase and Improved Protection for IGBCE Members

Following three days of challenging negotiations, the IGBCE (Industrial Union of Mining, Chemical and Energy Workers) and chemical employers have agreed on a comprehensive relief package to support workers in the chemical industry.

Key Features of the Agreement

The agreement includes the following key provisions:

  • A pay increase of 6-7% for all employees
  • Enhanced protection and support exclusively for IGBCE members

Background and Progress of the Negotiations

The negotiations were prompted by the expiration of the current collective agreement on June 30, 2024. The union had previously lifted its obligation to maintain peace during the negotiations.

The Bundes Tariff Commission has decided on a 7% wage increase for the chemical sector in the 2024 negotiations. The Northeast Chemistry Commission held a meeting in Kagel Grünheide to discuss the upcoming negotiations.

This agreement represents a significant victory for IGBCE members and will provide financial relief and improved protection to workers in the chemical sector.

