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Aptamil Inspired By Science Trusted By Parents

Aptamil: Unveiling the Truth Behind the Infant Formula Giant

Aptamil: Inspired by Science, Trusted by Parents

For over half a century, Aptamil has been a cornerstone in early life nutrition, relentlessly innovating its formula range guided by extensive research. As the leading formula brand in Europe, Aptamil Care is meticulously designed for cesarean-born infants, boasting a unique ingredient profile. But one question lingers: Is the Aptamil we use in our homes identical to the formula sold in Spain under the same name?

The Global Reach of Aptamil

Aptamil's international presence spans far and wide, reaching over 50 countries. However, like many global brands, its formulation may vary slightly from region to region to accommodate local regulations and nutritional guidelines. While Aptamil remains committed to providing high-quality infant nutrition worldwide, it recognizes the importance of tailoring its products to specific markets.

In Spain, Aptamil baby formula is known as Nutribén. This variation in branding is not uncommon in the infant formula industry, as companies often market their products under different names in different countries. Nutribén is manufactured by Laboratorios Cinfa, a reputable pharmaceutical company based in Spain. While the composition of Nutribén may differ somewhat from Aptamil formula sold in other countries, it adheres to the same rigorous quality standards and nutritional requirements set by Spanish authorities.
